Basti thought for a long time before he answered. “I don’t want to sound smug!”, he laughed. “But… I do believe in the good inside of me.
Let me explain. I believe that I can always be a good influence.
I believe that I always have the space and the opportunity to react positively to whatever happens, whatever the circumstances. And I know that I do that.
It is always inside of me, a deep feeling of positivity, a deep knowing that I can always add something positive, that I have the freedom to chose this.
I think that many of us have this possibility, but not all see it all the time.
I believe in accepting a situation in whatever shape it comes and then to act on it rather than react to it.”
Here is the story of Basti’s smallest. When Kira (smallest no. 19) told me what she believed in, she actually exclaimed: “I want two! One for Mum and one for Dad.”
She wanted one heart per smallest for each of her parents.
But the rules of the game are… one smallest per believer.
My subconscious, however, wanted to fulfil Kira’s wish, and so I primed two canvasses for her. The first one – I made it yellow. I made it yellow because this is how I saw her, representing a radiating child, warm, sunny, golden.
It was only when I reminded myself of the rules of the 100 smallest that I realised I should make only one for her, and that her favourite colour was cyan. So, you can see that the cyan smallest became hers. But that yellow-golden child-like innocence was still sitting around. I knew I would use it. And, rather sooner than later, the opportunity arose: It became the grounded canvas for Basti’s smallest, the one we are looking at right here, right now. The yellow priming perfectly encapsulates his belief in the good inside of him.
Life comes, in swirls, sometimes like a tornado, sometimes like a dance, it carries all sorts of stuff – but from his good inside, Basti is able to embrace whatever comes and turn it into gold. You can see the yellow shimmer through.